Type:Â Herbicide
Class:Â Synthetic
Category:Â Non-organic
Description:Â A post emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaved weeds in Maize.
Composition:Â Nicosulfuron 240g/L
Formulation:Â Soluble concentrate
Mode of Action: nicosulfuron, a selective systemic herbicide absorbed by both foliage and roots. Nicosulfuron effectively inhibits the enzyme acetolactate synthase (ALS), resulting in the interruption of cell division and elongation, causing death of sensitive weed species.
Pest Range:Â Grasses (Sweet buffalo grass, Red bristke grass, Johnson grass, Wild sorghum, Black-seed wild sorghum, Herringbone grass, Guinea fowl grass)
Broad leaved weeds (Red pigweed, perennial pigweed, spindlepod, Thorn apple, Dwarf marigold, tall khakiweed, common dubbeltjie)
Crop Range:Â Maize
Rate of use:Â 300mL/ha (200Litres of water/ha)
30mL/20L of water
Effect on bees:Â non toxic to bees.
PHI (Pre-harvest interval): 45 days
Reg. Status: Kenya- Registered PCPB(CR)1896
Tanzania- In the processes
Uganda- Not registered