Type:Â Insecticide / Miticide
Class:Â Synthetic
Category:Â Non-organic
Composition:Â Zetacypermethrin 10%
Description:Â Fury 100EW is a broad-spectrum water-based insecticide with contact and ingestion action on many crop pests.
Pests Range:Â Bollworms, caterpillars, aphids and mites
Crop Range:Â Roses, Carnations, cotton, beans, tomatoes, cabbages, oranges, mangoes, coffee, maize, wheat and barley.
Use Rates:
 8ml/20 L of water
 5ml/20 L on wheat/barley to control aphids
Application:Â Foliar spray
Effect on bees: Harmful. Do not apply to flowering crops or when bees are actively foraging
PHI:Â 3 days
Reg. Status:Â PCPB(CR)0534