Type:Â Herbicide
Class:Â Synthetic
Category:Â Non-organic
Description:Â a post emergent herbicide for the control of broad leaved weeds in wheat & barley.
Composition:Â Mecoprop- P 67% + Carfentrazone-ethyl 3.3% w/w
Formulation:Â Water soluble granules
Mode of Action: Mecoprop- p is a selective, hormone-type herbicide, absorbed by the leaves, with translocation to the roots. It affects enzyme activity and weeds growth.
Carfentrazone- ethyl is absorbed through the leaves leading to disruption of membranes by inhibiting the action of protoporphyrinogen oxidase, causing cell death.
Pest Range:Â All broad leaved weads including Pig weed, Mexican Poppy, Black jack, shepherds, Fat hen, Wandering jew, Naivasha weed, datura, Devils thorn, Macdonaldi, Cleavers, Mallow, Mayweeds, Chinese lantern, Knotgrass, Redshank, Wild radish, Charlock, Black nightshade, annual Sowthistle Common chickweed
Crop Range:Â All varieties of Wheat, Barley, Rice, Oats, Lawns,
Rate of use: 0.6kg/ha (200-400L of water/ha)
60g/20L of water
Effect on bees: Low toxicity to bees.
PHI (Pre-harvest interval): 28 days
Reg. Status: Kenya- Registered PCPB(CR)0792
Tanzania- Not registered
Uganda- Registered Ugc/2018/001941/He/RR